Black Walnut; Juglans nigra is native to the eastern parts of North America, rare introduction the Fraser Valley. White Walnut,English Walnut; Juglans regia is the locally common introduced tree. It is native to south-eastern Europe. A similiar locally common, also an introduced tree, from the eastern part of North America is, Butternut,(White Walnut); Juglans cinerea. All three have edible nuts, if you can beat the introduced squirrels,(tree rats) to them first.
sounds like homework to me ;) if it is, try to find a copy of " native trees of canada" RC Hosie, or "Trees in Canada" John Farrar
Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) and Butternut (Juglans cinerea) are both native to Canada, but only in southern Ontario and the extreme south of Quebec, not in the rest of Canada. The walnuts that one buys in shops for eating are usually Persian Walnut (Juglans regia), which is native to Asia and southeastern Europe (not Canada).