Many of you are still waiting for the maples to display their full beauty. This weekend was sunny and warm in my garden and I took the opportunity to take many pictures. I selected a few and created a web-album that you can peruse to ease your wait and see what will be coming soon ;-)) Gomero
Gomero, The trees and garden are amazing. What was the cultivar in the pictures that appears almost white? There are so many great photos I will have to visit again after work to get a better look. Thanks for sharing your garden photos and all of your valuable input with us. Ed
I was guessing ukigumo Yes, thanks for posting these great pics. Wonderful to see the various planting condtions, companion plants, etc
Thank you for your kind comments. The photos do not contain the name of the plants, it is thus a nice occasion for you to brush up on your cultivars ;-)). Some have been identified already (Ed as Paxi said the almost white is Ukigumo, although there is also a Butterfly almost white). If you want to know the name of any of them, simply give me the coordinates: row and column. Gomero
Spectacular Gomero, bravissimo. Makes my garden look like tabula rasa... :) Only problem, is no more room to plant! And, what to do when they keep growing... Thanks for taking the time to share this with us -E
Very beautiful Gomero, thanks for sharing . Late cool wet spring here, most JMs have not leafed out yet.
Gomero, if you don't mind, I would like to ask a few questions regarding this beatiful garden: 1.- How long have you been cultivating and caring your maples? 2.- Did you start the garden from scratch? 3.- Most of your JMs have good sizes actually, did you get them big or in 1 or 2 gal pots? 4.- I barely have aprox. 6500 ft (600 sq. mts.) in my backyard and I hope (some day)get something similar to your garden, so How big is your garden and how many JMs do you have in there now? Thanks in advance for your comments, (any advice is welcome) Nelran
Gomero, your gardens are quite spectacular! Thank you for sharing them! I had fun trying to guess some of the cultivars. What a joy to garden in so much beauty.
Thanks again for the kind remarks. Seriously 4.-5 years Yes I've got very few big. Most of them were bought as 2-year old grafts The garden is fairly small (about 3500 m2) and, as Emery said, I am already full. My maple list contains about 370 taxons. Be patient Learn how the maples behave in your garden Develop solutions which are tailor made to your particular conditions. Gomero
Gomero, thank you for take your time to respond my questions. Wow 3500 m2 is quite good size garden; (and moreover for Europe). It's almost six times bigger than mine. I barely have a little more than 1 year with my garden. I also started from scratch (that means adding good dirt -a lot of it-, irrigation system, grading, cleaning debris, underground drains, grass, plants, etc.). Really, it will be a great pleasure to me if in 4-5 years ahead I can get a garden that looks similar as you have now. My main problem is that I didn't have any mature trees (and still is) in order to provide some sun shelter to my JMs. Surprisily, however, some of the cultivars are performing very well with these conditions. Others are in containers for several reasons, and until I decide where to put them. I don't want to take any risk that harm my JMs, and in pots I can "easily" move them (depends of my back). Some are tender and came from the north part of the country, I prefer to wait until they get good size and adapt to this weather to decide the next step. Meanwhile, I can follow their behavior in pots. I move them along the year depending of the seasons and sun expousure. Luckly, (until now) I have not had any loss of my JMs (Just a small one (4" tall) that I got as a gift last winter (no leaves) and it never sprout, so I gess that it was already death. Thanks again for sharing your pics! Nelran
Wow, wow and wow!!!!!!!!! Spectacular! I would like to know the name of those in pictures of row 3 columns 2;3 and 4. The red ones! Thanks a lot and I´m looking forward to see the fall version of this album regards
Just try to add the books 'Maples of the World', and 'Maples for gardens' (I did) and probably you will drop 100 bucks more :-!... ( I don't know whiy these books are so expensive!) Nelran
Ah no you misundertand, the actual book itself wasn't so bad... the pictures however "cost" me a lot of money as my wish list grew!