I just got a cutting from my friend and placed it in water to root. She doesnt know the name of it, but says its an easy plant to grow. It has a beautiful, light shaded purple on the underside of its leaves, which show through on to the topside of the leaf. Hers does well in a west facing window, however I do not have a suitable west window for it. What type of light/water conditions does it like, and any ideas on the name of this plant? Thanks everyone. ps - sorry I forgot to rotate the 1st pic .
yes, it's a tradescantia...moses in a boat or oyster plant variety. oh, and it's not a vine. it just grows very tall and tends to fall over.
Rhoeo bermudensis variegata now renamed Tradescantia spathacea variegata seems more likely. http://bp0.blogger.com/__fKdRLjVBQs/SBR9wgkAY1I/AAAAAAAAB3c/lF9CLa8Cz9k/s1600-h/varig+rheo.gif HTH Chris