Here I am again, full of doubts. I am trying to get a VUBURNUM PLICATUM MARIESII , but my suppliers say they only do V. Shasta and V. Lanarth, and tell me to buy a Shasta because it is practically the same as the Mariesii, and that I wouldn't notice the difference. I am a bit reluctant and should very much appreciate your help. Could you please tell me what the pros and cons of each of them comparing to the other one are? Another question.- Do you think it is possible transplanting a couple of ECHIUM PININANA right now, almost in August? I have them in pots but they are becoming HUGE! I Liverpool in Northen Spain where the climate is more or less as the Irish is, and very similar to yours right now. In case JOHNNYJUMPUP is about, my Tibouchina is simple gorgeous!