Viburnum carlesii with misshappen, spotty leaves

Discussion in 'Garden Pest Management and Identification' started by boondoggle, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. boondoggle

    boondoggle Active Member

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    Is this shrub revivable? I got it out at Art's in Surrey in Spring, and all the Viburnums of this cultivar (carlesii compacta) had brown-spotted, somewhat unhappy looking leaves. I thought it must be the rough weather at the time. The plant hasn't perked up at all. New leaves look deformed, with some darkening at the edges, the spots are more reddish, and some of the nascent buds look blanched - sort of sawdust-coloured. Some of the branches haven't leafed out at all, though they are still alive.

    I'm afraid it may be affecting the Henry's Garnet Itea I got from the Botanical Garden, which is planted nearby - it's leaves are beginning to look spotty, as well.

    I don't have a photo but can post one if that might help.

    Any organic ideas welcome! I've been removing the most affected leaves, but am afraid I'll impair photosynthesis if I keep that up...

    Thank you!
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Likely to be a pathogenic infestation. Should have been left at the nursery. What kind of guarantee did it come with? Perhaps you can take it back. If any remaining stock there may be at the outlet is still present it will probably be apparent that yours did not become afflicted after you brought it home.
  3. boondoggle

    boondoggle Active Member

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    Hi Ron,

    I just called the nursery, and they'd like to see the plant. It's a bit of a trek out there, but they may be willing to replace it. I only hope I can help my Itea recover - it's a beauty. Maybe if I move it away from the possibly infected soil?


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