Of course it is a "true" aroid, but it seems to have a viral variegation, as opposed to a chimeric variegation. In my experience, the chimeric variegation does not affect the normal shape of the leaf, only the presence or absence of chlorophyll and/or carotenoids (as in white or yellow variegates), but the viral variegation results in distorted, bumpy leaves in which the absence of chlorophyll is a pathologic symptom. I have seen Spathiphyllum with the chimeric variegation and each leaf is smooth and normal sized, only with the splashes and spots of white and shades of pale green variegation; very attractive, like on the variegated A. macrorrhizos. LariAnn Aroidia Research
Bluewing and LariAnn, I also used to have this plant, but I noticed the variegation reverted back to normal green after a while. It is now happening with my Cordylines and Moses in a cradle. Is this quite common for variegations to do this?? I think I read somewhere to cut the new "reverted" growth off, to enhance the variegation. That OK for some plants, but I can't imagine doing this to a Spath.... Ed
LariAnn, Thanks! Because of the very bumpy leaves and the variegation, I wondered if maybe this plant was possibly a hybrid of sorts to achieve those characteristics.The flowers even have a strong scent, kinda like a rose. The all green PL hardly has any scent. Ed, Oh no, I sure didn't like hearing that! Even in full sun some plants will revert back to all green. I heard it can do that because of the way it was hybridized (not a good way) but I'm not sure if that's true or not. The white and green variegated Christmas does not revert, that said from someone who has one and collects nothing but variegated plants. Reverting happened to a variegated Christmas cactus/jungle cactus I bought (green & yellow) Within a month or two, it was ALL green and it received a few hours of direct sun everyday. Some plants do so because the light is too low... I don't know how long you had your variegated peace lily before it reverted, but so far so good, my peace lily still has strong bright variegation and I've had it since last spring. no signs of fading....Um, yet that is.
I have the same Peace Lily. Very interesting on what makes the leaves bumpy. I also have a variegated Solomons Seal where the leaves are bumpy as well. And that is why I bought it, besides liking variegated plants.
When I think about it, it probably didn't have enough light. I was only new to plants then, so don't panic... Ed
There has been some discussion regarding variegation in aroids on Aroid l. Apparently growers are using chemical treatments to make plants appear to be variegated but they soon revert back to the normal state. You can find the discussions here: http://www.hort.net/lists/aroid-l/ Just do a search, especially in October and November.