Appreciation: Vancouver: Hoya kerrii plants with stem

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Junglekeeper, Aug 13, 2019.

  1. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    I'm happy to be able to report that Hoya kerrii plants with stem are now available in the Vancouver area. These are unlike the typical single leaf specimens sold in the past that typically do not come with a stem (or roots for that matter). The ones I saw were variegated though there may have been non-variegated ones as well.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
  2. Judi56

    Judi56 New Member

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    Ontario, Canada
    I bought mine from Quebec. The link is > Once they are shipped every Monday they arrive 2 days later. I bought the Hoya Kerrii Variegata and the gren ones. $39.00. Free shipping on all orders over $75.00. I had 8 large leaves on mine 2.5 x 3.5 in size. Beautiful full circle.
    I took one leaf off at each end and I have in 2 -3 weeks 2 new leafs on each end sprouting. I've fed it plant food 1 time with 1/2 dropper of plant food mixed in 2 cups of water. Watered once since I got it Jan 19th. It is amazing how healthy it is and how fast it grew for me. Though this is the trick. Winter here in Southern Ontario. I live in apt. I have only South facing window Sun from 8 am to 2pm. When it is sunny it goes in my window. When it is not. 24 hrs a day it sits on my bathroom vanity with an Amazon 3 arm 65 watt full spectrum grow lights that clip onto the vanity like a huge clothes peg.
    It is great quality and strong lamp with flexible poles to aim in any direction individually. I paid 37.50 for mine. Then a week later it went up in price in January. I was charged no taxes and I have Amazon Prime so free shipping. Though I also have 4 of these led lights above my vanity in a light fixture above my mirror putting a lot of light in my bathroom as well. These are the bulbs I bought. So this bathroom has plenty of light 24 hrs a day.

    I don't pay for an electric bill so tis free for me to run. I also have a portable 1 gallon humidifier on the floor running 24 hrs a day in winter on low, if it is not raining or snowing out to bring my apt. humidity up some then I have to run my humidifier on med low 24 hrs a day. I have to fill it morning and night 2x a day in winter. I do put a fan on aiming at my plants when they are in the window on sunny days so they don't get too hot. I also rotate them every half hour as not to get too hot and keep them in shape not to have one stick up and try reach the light. So they all get the light evenly.
  3. Judi56

    Judi56 New Member

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    Ontario, Canada
    By the way the pictures of 13 plants I bought don't do them justice. They are far prettier in real then in the picture.
  4. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    What pictures are you referencing? You can post them in a reply. See Attach photos and files.
  5. Judi56

    Judi56 New Member

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    Ontario, Canada
    The pictures of the plants that this link sells >>>hoya
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2020
  6. Margot

    Margot Renowned Contributor 10 Years

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    Nanoose Bay, BC Canada

    I was hoping to see:

  7. Judi56

    Judi56 New Member

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    Ontario, Canada
    String of tears I put them together in one hanging pot. They have doubled in size since Jan 19th. They Hoya as you see is not like their picture is. I took then 2 leaves off each end and now I thought I had 2 on each end, but one end of the branch has 3 shoots 1 on one side and 2 on the other side. Then the other end of the branch 2, one on each side of the new. I don't have a picture of that. But this is the plants as I got them. I also don' t have pictures of the other plants,and the new ones yet to arrive from them. I suggest not ordering in winter from them any Hoya's they are most sensitive to the cold. Wait until it is over 45F to order if you order online. Also make sure it is two day delivery from any place you order them from if it is 45-60F They can handle 60F for 2 days.

    Attached Files:

  8. Judi56

    Judi56 New Member

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    Ontario, Canada
    I was just saying that any pictures you see on the store site Cactus en ligne they are not as nice as what they do send you. They are fuller and nice looking then their pictures when you look at them and add them to your cart. You see a picture of what you're ordering. The Hoya you see is much nicer then their picture on their site of it for sale.

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