Hello! Although I have never read anything about creating a Cacti and Succulent terrarium using sand as a substrate as Catci/Succulent potting mixes, etc and other mixtures are recommended... I was wondering if anyone has planted such a terrarium using sand or sand mixed with other materials so that the substrate looks just like sand? I really like the look of sand and the contrast it provides against the plants. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Jeff p.s. The terrarium has a large opening for air circulation.
Is this terrarium for an animal? I would imagine you could mix vermitculite (looks a lot like sand) with some peat moss and only a little sand. Sand holds a lot of moisture even though it is fast draining. I don't know if you'll be able to find anything that both looks like sand, and is good for the plants. Google pictures of vermitculite, it's not something you could use a whole lot of (sticks together and gets soggy when by itself, but helps prevent compaction of soil when mixed together.)
No animals, but, yeah... that's the problem with sand, compact, doesn't hold nutrients. I suppose I'll have to try a mix that can incorporate some sand.
You could try also mixing some very small pebbles into the mix. Vermitculite, sand and pebbles? Have you thought about making compost the other ingredient, I am trying to find good ways to keep peat out of my husbandry. Since there won't be any animals in the terrarium, then you can use potting soil or compost. I would imagine you could add some cocofiber to the mix as well.