Anyone has experience with using Pro-tekt or wiltpruf on their laceleaf JM.. I am gonna try it but wondering if anyone had any negative experience. don't want to kill the plants.. thanks
Why would you use it? They're deciduous trees and will lose leaves in winter anyway, but I do question you're growing them there at all, as I can't see how they'll get the below or close-to freezing dormancy they need for a couple of months every year to begin with.
You can use it generally without much harm from what I have been told. I have not used it before as I am not comfortable with the idea of altering the respiration/transpiration process that naturally happens through the leaves. I would try it on a few, but use it earlier in the season when it can do you the most good, before the heat of summer sets in, not on the tail end of things. You would use it to protect the leaves from dessication during the growing season and usually there is a long enough duration of cold in southern California area to grow maples. Fall color is usually poor, but the maples will go dormant and even if they do not fully go dormant in one year, they usually catch a break the following I am guessing.
I purchased a Red Dragon that had been scorched by are 100 plus deg days. The nursery recommend using the Pro-tek. I sprayed the mixture the maples is fine new growth every where. Rima Southern California is loaded with maples and japanese maples. They seem to do well, even without your snow and cold weather.
i use Pro-tekt to help protect from sun burn and sucking bugs...seems to work...i don't spray them though i add it threw the roots
good info, thanks Rima, i am trying to protect the leaves from scorching and to enjoy them while they r there before they drop for the fall. Also where i live we get snow and freezing for a while, i live at 4000+ elevation, area called the High Desert.
I wouldn't link the success of regrowth or the tolerance of new leaves to the heat and sun the the Pro-tekt. The second or thrid set of leaves or flushes of growth are usually much more tolerant to the sun and heat. The real benefit to something like Pro-tekt is to use it early in the season to protect the frist set of leaves which is usually the least tolerant to sun, heat and wind but the most characteristic-looking in color and form. Regards.
No matter what I did, my bloodgood maple had leaf scorch for 2 years consistently. I applied protekt at a qtr. tsp per gallon of water inbetween waterings, shortly before spring, and the leaves came out without any leaf scorch. So far so good. Although very few of the leaves have slight burns on the tip. Not really sure if its because I tapered off on protekt, applying it sparingly every now and then. I'm relatively new to maples, and I wasn't sure what the long term effect was. Another factor is it gets pretty windy where my maple is located. Hope it helps with your leaf burn.