Upright Green Japanese Maple

Discussion in 'Maples' started by email1901, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. email1901

    email1901 Member

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    VA , USA

    I am thinking of planting "Upright Green Japanese Maple" (Acer palmatum),

    What is a good time to plant it and can it survive in Full Sun ? The temperature can get upto 100+

  2. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    if the maple is in pot every mounth of year is good but never when :the wind is very hot and if the soil is frost,if is summer is best if planted in afteroon I have JM in full sun (I live in central Italy) I use around the trunk Pine Bark ,if the first year some leaves are bronw no problem..alex
  3. Wangspeed

    Wangspeed Member

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    Manassas, VA
    I'm in VA too. I have planted at bad times, like the middle of summer. Even still, all my JM's are doing quite well. I suggest using a little Superthive (available at Walmart) to help ease the shock. I'd say ideal planting would be in the early spring or in September in this area, but VA is large, and you may be in a different zone.

    Don't worry too much about full sun. I'm finding that most can take VA heat and sun very well. Plus, if you can, visit Eastwood Nusery (http://www.japanesemaples.com Many of their JM's are in full sunlight, and fare very well. Only more delicate cultivars need protection in my zone (7).

  4. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Seedlings of the typical plant are said to be tougher than cultivars. Seems that way here, dieback and other problems common to grafted named selections not noticed as being prevalent on typical plants. But have not made an organized study of it, maybe the difference is partly propagation method, grafted plants ARE claimed to be sometimes pre-infested with pathogenic conditions when purchased.
  5. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Hello 1901,

    The species A. palmatum is more tolerant than most cultivars. Does the plant you're thinking of acquiring have a more specific name? If so we can be perhaps more helpful as to exposition.

    I think that even for the species full sun is pushing it in VA. If you can find a spot with some mid-afternoon shade, that would help, especially while the plant is young and getting acclimated.

    As for when to plant, I guess that early spring would be best in your area, but that's only a guess. Here in EU zone 7/8 I prefer the fall for maples that aren't too worried about too much winter moisture. If they are or are particularly frost sensitive, I plant in late winter / early spring. The palmatum species I'd plant in fall without hesitation, in Normandie.



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