Hello yet again! Yet another neighbour has brought me a plant to nurse, and I don't know what it is. Doesn't appear to be ill, just not growing. I'll be able to tell what's wrong with it more once I unpot it, and look up how it is supposed to be taken care of. But to do that, I need to enlist the help of forum users once again with the identification, which I have had such good results from in the past.
I'm not sure about that, because this plant's blades/leaves curl downwards instead of sticking up, and black mondo grass is always sold as an outdoor plant, isn't it?
Yes, I think you guys ARE right. I saw another photo of black mondo grass (Ophiopogon planiscapus) cultivar 'nigrescens', that has blades curling downwards. http://www.plantoftheweek.org/week267.shtml Maybe the main problem of my neighbour's plant is that it's being grown indoors! Thank you Ron B, and thank you again edleigh7, who has also been helpful to me before. I totally covet this plant now that I see how good it can look. Maybe I can talk my neighbour into giving it to me, as she does not have an outdoor garden!
That's what happens when you try to grow an outdoor plant indoors!!! Grow it outdoors and it will again grow the way it should.