Are you able to help me identify this plant? i have had problems with it since i repotted it.The leaves were huge and the flowering bunches weighed around 300 grams. i recently introduced a iron rich plant tonic to give it a boost,which seems to have given it some zest. It readily propagates in water,producing good rooting ,as a result all my friends have one! My plant is about 6 foot tall,with a large collection of base root/stem,forming a ganglia above the soil level. i include photo's for your identification,
Mine is, and has been for quite some time, not the same as it was for the first years that I had it. It's in a pot, leaves have fallen, small ones grow back and fall and the only two small, new off shoots are covered with white fuzz. It's on the deck now where it gets mostly morning sun and I water the gravel below. Should I keep trying? I'm so happy that I found this website!
Greene - sounds like it might have a touch of rootboundness. How long ago did you re-pot it last, or have you ever? It might benefit from a larger pot and a change of soil!
It's been awhile - maybe a year or two since repotting. Thanks so much for the reply and suggestion. I'll try it. I should have mentioned that the remaining larger stalks are black though and when I started one or two from stalks last year, they developed roots in water and then and then shriveled up in their new, well drained, pots. I noticed a green spot on one of the larger stalks today.