Hello! Can anyone help me with identifying this lovely fungus that was growing last fall in Woodland Caribou Provincial Park (northwestern Ontario)? Elevation here is approx. 300-400m. Ecosystem is a mix of prairie and boreal forest. It was growing on the forest floor, fairly moist area. Sorry there's nothing for scale. On average, the length of a toothpick but larger in diameter. Thank you.
Possibly Clavaria vermicularis. Take a look at this thread. If not that perhaps something in the same genus, Clavaria Harry
Hi, Wrote a litte more in Mei's thread on this. Reasonably sure that the two threads refer to the same species, but will always bow to someone with more knowledge of fungi or new contradictory search results. Harry
Thanks Harry! Appreciate all the help. Did some review and think you've got it right. Mystery solved (or as best can be without a sample). Thanks again.