My mom asked me to "save" this houseplant as she's watched its condition deteriorate since she accepted it as a handoff several weeks ago. She had no information about it other than she though it needed indirect sunlight. Can anyone tell me what it is such that I might track down basic care information before it's too late?
It does look like a Bird's Nest Fern (a type of Asplenium sp.) ... I don't know much about the Hart's Tongue Fern but I know if there's a "hairball" in the centre of the fern (also known as the "bird's nest") that would lean it towards being a/n (type of?) Asplenium. Though, being the indecisive person I can be... My bird's nest fern has a dark vein running up the centre of each leaf, which I don't see....
I realize you asked for ID, but since it looks sick maybe a little diagnosis is in order too. Root rot due to overwatering/inadequate drainage?
Though I am not yet an expert on photo analysis... It could be mere "letting down" of the leaves if recently repotted into a bigger size pot... Also my bird's nest went through a bit of shock when it transitioned from (indirect-ish) southern window to an indirect west window and some leaves went brown and some leaves were dropped... Though the fronds are much more pointy and lead me away from thinking it's a bird's nest fern...