Unidentified Apple Tree

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by scriptedfate, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. scriptedfate

    scriptedfate Member

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    Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

    I hope I'm not posting in the wrong place for this, but I have an apple tree in my back yard that is producing apples this year (no sign of them last year). I am a rank amateur when it comes to gardening and botanical things, so I was hoping I could get some assistance in identifying the tree so I can do something with the apples besides pitching them into the back 40.

    It appears to be of a moderate age and produces green apples (they haven't turned red as of yet). I am in Waterloo, ON, if locale and its associated climate helps. Attached to the message you should find a picture of the apple. Pictures of the tree, leaves, and cross-section of the fruit will follow when the digital camera's batteries recharge.

    To describe in words, the tree is gnarly. As in it has gnarls. The leaves appear almost waxen, and are a dark shade of green. The edges of the leaves are not serrated, and there appears to be a definite point to them. As for the fruit, is is of a moderate size (bigger than your standard McIntosh, but smaller than a red delicious (and missing those tell-tale 'feet' bumps)). The flesh is white with a tinge of green (probably not yet ripe) and the seeds are small and brown (with a white spot at the bulbuous end). The rest about the fruit you should be able to glean from the picture.

    Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you very much.

    Attached Files:

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Take 6 fruits to a local fruit show, if you find out about one being held nearby (and early enough) or other source of identification help you may be able to discover (agriculture station, trusted garden center, fruit hobbyist...).

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