the forsythia was planted as a very full healthy bush with a big root ball. now it only has flowers at the top. when the fella planted it a few years ago we noted that the soil looked like solid clay. also that corner gets quite a bit wet in our winters. what should we do? don't want to just buy another one and the same thing happen! thanks
Did you trim the shrub at all last year? Forsythias bloom on last year's growth, so unless you trim them right after they bloom (before they get their year's growth) they don't bloom where you trimmed. I just had a thought -- maybe the local deer did the trimming, too late for this year's buds? Forsythias also do pretty well no matter what soil they're in as long as it drains. They do like sun, but do all right in semi-shade of deciduous trees. Don't give up with it yet!
thanks deer are fenced out. we did not know to trim our beatrix forsythia is blooming happily - again no trimming.