Biodiversity Heritage Library: Understanding BHL Through Metadata: Patterns of Bio-Diverse Knowledge Production

Discussion in 'Plants: Weblogs of Interest' started by UBC BG RSS Feedreader, Dec 8, 2021.

  1. UBC BG RSS Feedreader

    UBC BG RSS Feedreader Well-Known Member UBC Botanical Garden

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    During my time as an intern for the Biodiversity Heritage Library (July-August 2021), I worked on a project, I hope, will help engender important and critical conversations around the Library’s work and responsibilities vis-á-vis the sometimes harmful and problematic origins of its materials, as well as around the possibilities for the decolonization of its collection and archival practices. By focusing on the case of Latin America and her biodiversity, the main goal of this project was to identify patterns in the metadata of BHL’s collection that can inform decolonial policies and strategies for the diversification of the Library’s catalogue. To identify such patterns, I extracted and analyzed the metadata of materials that include a subject related to Latin America in their subject lists. These analyses shed important light on diversification issues, specifically in the case of this region.

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