Uncarina perrieri. Frederick Meijer Garden & Sculpture Park. Outside the entrance to the Arid Garden. October 6, 2007
Here's one in bloom. One of my favorites I got this summer. [img=http://img37.picoodle.com/img/img37/9/9/18/thereiver/t_Uncarinaroem_3609994.jpg]
Here are a couple pic's of my Uncarina, in bloom this past summer. A bumper crop of blooms. Couldn't figure out how to hand pollinate so the flowers just eventually fall off.
I did try that, but was not sure what I was looking for exactly. I did read that there is something I had to lift up, then touch with the brush, but I couldn't locate it. Summers coming soon, and I'll try again for sure. It is actually blooming off and on, indoors under lights. Hasn't gone dormant yet.
Read this link on pollination of this plant. http://www.bihrmann.com/caudiciforms/subs/unc-roe-sub.asp Apparently, there is a specific beetle that does the pollination, not bees, flies, or paintbrushes.
Uncarina peltata I purchased this young seedling last year and had it in a 4 inch pot. It grew very slowly. This spring, I planted it in a 8 inch pot and it has responded well. Unlike some caudiciforms that need to be grown hard in small containers to obtain "fat" proportions, this is one that grows best in a relatively large container or raised bed. The thickened root system that is often displayed at bonsai shows is buried at this time to induce more growth. Raising the root system for display will often slow growth in this species. I will likely have to up pot this one next year as it has grown very quickly in the past few months outdoors.