I have a concord grapevine that has woven its way in and out of a trellis that it has seriously outgrown. I would like to move it to a new area, to be supported overhead by a pergola. How should I do this? Can I prune it back to a stump and let it start over? Any help would be great. What time of year to do it, etc...KMP
My preference is to save as much length of vine as I can. Typically some bulk is reduced when I've moved them. My time-table would be to wait at least a month or two. Is the trellis embedded into the vine, or can you cut it out? Wood? Metal?
Thanks for the help. The trellis is metal (re-bar, to be specific). It is not imbedded in the vine or trunk, but the vines have woven their way in/out/around/up/down and I think the only way to extricate the trellis would be to cut everything back to about 2-3 feet long (from the ground). When you suggest waiting a month or two--is this to mean that this kind of drastic cutback should occur in winter when plant is totally dormant? I could wait until early December and probably not have to shovel a path through the snow to get to the vine...