Well I believe that’s what it is called anyway the new growth has brown spots and leaves curling.. please help, thanks!!
My advice is to look closely through a magnifying glass to see if there are any tiny insects at work. May be you could also show us the whole plant in its pot and tell us what are your watering and fertilizing habits?
This container looks small for the plant. I suppose, you have to water and fertilize the plant quite often. I hope, that there is a drainage hole in the bottom of the container, to let any excess water to drain out. Otherwise there is excess water in the bottom of the container most of the time, reducing habitable space for roots even more. This kind of leaf curling hints strong stress. Brown spots may come from over watering (if no pests found).
So should I repot?? And thank you for your help And yes I always make sure there is no stand water in the plastic pans and it has plenty of draining holes
I wonder if it may be a bacterial or fungal infection. Damping-Off and Leaf Spot of Schefflera Caused By Colletotrichum Alternaria panax Schefflera Production Guide Here's an old thread on a similar problem: spots on schefflera.