I'm new to the forums so not sure this is the right place to post this or not. Any ideas on who may carry Chinese Elm in BC? Thanks in advance.
Not Siberian Elm, Ulmus pumila, that is all up and down my back alley but the lovely Chinese Lacebark Elm, Ulmus parvifolia, that apparently no one sells. Oh well. I can't find it for sale in the Okanagan Valley so wondered if anyone on the lower mainland or elsewhere had seen it. :-)
Lots of Chinese elm being grown and sold in suitable climates. Check hardiness and other limitations, may not be right for your conditions.
I have been looking on and off for the last 2 years for Ulmus parvifolia in BC. Just from gathering information from various sources, it appears that the tree should be hardy to Canadian zone 6 with some specific cultivars i.e. 'Zettler' & 'Glory' claiming to be hardy down to zone 5. Sounds like this species is quite variable.
I started mine from seed 4 years ago. The tallest is already 6 feet tall, planted in the ground (Z5) two years ago.