I have this plant that I cannot BELIEVE is thriving in my office. There is no direct sunlight, no "real air" to speak of, fluxuating temperatures, etc. I hope this works as an attachement. I'd really like to know what this is. I bought this over a year ago at an Acme!!! Thanks!
Awesome! Thanks for the answer. This plant boggles my mind that it is alive and thriving in my little office in northeastern US!!
I had a pigtail anthurium under ordinary living room conditions for a long time. Would still have it if I had potted it on instead of just letting it deteriorate. I think there's a hybrid between that kind and the less tolerant Anthurium andraenum being sold, yours looks like it may be one of those.
Yes Ron is right. Your plant is an Anthurium andraenum hybrid. There are so many. They are an aroid, and are mostly epiphytes in the wild. Ed