Hi, Im new to the forum but have been reading threads for a little while.kinda got the bug for the jm's and have bought more that I'm willing to admit.anyhow is anyone in the deep south having any luck with ukigumo?I live in Atlanta ga (zone 8)and have seen several around here and they are all solid green.I have had mine for two years in full shade and it has no variegation either.is it just not going to happen down here? -Derek
Seems to come and go. One thing I think I have learned is not to use ANY fertilizer on it. Seems to do better without it. The variegation will fade in lots of light and heat, but mine does look good in spring when it decides to be variegated. I may not have as much heat as you do though, where I'm living.
I'm not in the south, but have the same experience. Mine actually looked like "floating clouds" one year, but most years it's so faint you have to be looking right at a leaf to see it. I wonder about the fertility of soil affecting it, too. I have the same problem with variegated tsugas. Kay
I have 2 'Ukigumos' from 2 different sources in the 7-9 year old range and both in fairly heavy shade and they have never been very spectacular (except for the year they were shipped to me). I live in Auburn AL. I have the bug too and have 150 cultivars mostly in pots and a 'hobby nursery' and have noted this is the only variegated one that consistently underperforms in my collection. In fact I dont graft it anymore- their are more consistent maples out their. Justin
I do not think it is climate related but more a matter of sourcing. I have 3. Two of them are 100% variegated and this is so year after year (see gallery). The third one (which I bought leafless :o(( ) is mostly green with very little variegation, and this from the beginning until now. In my view to have a nice Ukigumo you should verify that the scion does come from a variegated branch and this is problematic for commercial growers which tend to cut scion wood after leaf fall. Otherwise I suggest you do not buy this cultivar leafless. Gomero
Thank you for all your replies. Defiantly think that I will try and get another ukigumo from a different source and see how it does. After thinking on what gomero said,the only ukigumos I have seen around here were from big box stores or the jm nursery where I got mine from.Any suggestions on a nursery where someone has acquired a good performing ukigumo would be great -Derek