Can you help? One is a vining plant with green textured leaves and purple underbellies. The second is has thicker, almost succulent-looking leaves with beautiful, strange jelly-like blossoms. The leaves are between dime and quarter sized, and it also has quite long (and growing) stems. Any idea? Thanks for your help!
Does number one have a spike like flower of pale mauve its about 6 inches long (9cm). If it is the same I have that growing outdoors on a bank and it looks lovely as a ground cover. Also does it wilt easily when short of water but revives very quickly when watered Hemigraphis?????????? Just guessing here I too would like to work out what this is. Liz
The first one is Plectranthus ciliatus. The second is Nematanthus, probably N. gregarius, Goldfish Plant.
Thanks to both Liz and Tony for the responses... I've searched both, and I think we've got them! Liz, I think Tony's suggestion on what we might have growing in our respective places is a hit. Hope this helps you out as well. Thanks again! Sara