Here are two cactus I got a few months ago. The one with the pink bloom I believe is a Lobivia, but I have no idea about the one with the orange blooms. Is it normal for these to bloom right now? Ive actually had a lot of cactus bloom lately! The third picture is of a cactus that bloomed a few weeks ago, and the blooms are now spent. The fourth picture is a close up of where the blooms were. It was labeled as Mammillaria elongata. There was a "crown" of delicate beautiful pink blooms around the top of this cactus. Thanks guys!!
Re: Two of my cacus are flowering!! Quite normal for Ecuador - everything is blooming right now, from the San Pedros on down through the pitahaya to the little zygocacti.... No idea about normal for Oklahoma, nor do I know what your orange-bloomer is.
Re: Two of my cacus are flowering!! different cacti bloom at different times...starting now and going on through fall. i'm not seeing blooms on any of mine yet (i'm a bit more north than you, though)...hopefully i will this year (some are not that old). i LOVE the first one!! the flower is beautiful and the body is, too. i'm not going to hazard a guess on name - i'm still so new at it. you may be correct about lobivia, though. the second one, the pic is blurry, might be a mammilaria, though. a lot of those have orange flowers. and you have a correct id for the m. elongata. i had one that just died over the winter - i never saw it bloom. do you have any pics of it in bloom?? i love the way the flowers grow in a ring around the plant - looks so cool!!
Re: Two of my cacus are flowering!! I forgot to take pictures, and now I am seriously regretting it! They were so small, I didn't think my camera phone would do anything near justice. I'm wondering if they are flowering due to the shipment time to my house. I actually hadn't watered them until I realized it was putting out buds. Here's another picture of the second "unidentified" cactus. More light/less of my shaking, haha.
1. Lobivia wrightiana. This one requires good light. 2. Some kind of Rebutia. Both will grow fast and produce a large number of flowers every year. They are high altitude species and prefer a cold place in winter. It would be an early flowering where I live, but Oklahoma is a bit warmer.
Congrats on your bloomers! The orange one may be Rebutia flavistyla. I cannot say about flowering periods, as I always have something in bloom! :)
that may be it. (pardon my typing, i burnt three of my typing fingers while cooking, and bandaids don't help the situation. The only thing worse than watching a slow typer BEING ONE! haha) This winter I had small puppies in my house, and they can't keep their body temps up alone, so my thermostat was on 72 degrees F. It may have tricked them into an early spring. Im not sure how much these base blooming on day length. But I can't trick my poinsettia into *thinking* ANYTHING other than what it wants to think and when it wants to think it! But I guess that's another forum category all together!!!