Last year, we visited Washington DC and I chanced upon these two remarkable aroids. One was in the Elephant House in the National Zoo, a gorgeous Philodendron bipinnatifidum that arched over the enclosure like a lord over its manor, and the other was an unknown meconostigma in the National Aquarium in Baltimore, MD. P. bipinnatifidum: Unknown Meconostigma (Philodendron solimoesense? One of those aquatic maconostigma?)
Well, the second one actually I had a hard time photographing because it was in a very dimly lit room in the aquarium. It's remarkable because it's not one of the common aroids here in the USA. here's another pic of a gorgeous meconostigma aroid that I found in my old computer files.. I don't know the author so if anyone knows please tell me and I'll credit him/her or remove the image if needed... Philodendron stenolobum: