My Rabbits Foot fern was recently infected by a parasite and was nearly killed before I was able to do much about it. I repotted it from the closed terrarium it was originally in, cut off the dead fronds, and scraped off every one of the bugs I could find. It has been given enough water to dampen the soil and put back in the indirect sunlight it was in before. Is there anything else I can do to help it, or should I just give it time?
I think you just need to give it some time to recover. If you see new growth you could slowly begin watering it but I wouldn't be too quick to treat it as fully recovered because it may lead to overwatering and possibly root rot. I think the plant should tell you what it needs as it hopefully regrows. A bit of info below might help. Good luck! grow-davallia-species-indoors-1902720