so... while my other house plants are quiet and happy, my asparagus fern is pouting and i'm not sure what else to do. it's constantly turning yellow and dropping leaves. i mist it (infrequently), it has diffuse light, i water it just before it gets dry... it's a beautiful plant, but i can't seem to keep it happy. any tips would be appreciated! does it need bright bright light? is it simply a high maintenance plant that will always turn yellow and drop bits? do i need to cut back the spindly shoots it sends out? thanks in advance for any help!
Mine grow outside in a pot so maybe it is a light problem. It is considered a weed here. This seems to be similar problem to yours Liz
It is also considered a weed over here, but it's so ornamental..! It likes filtered brilliant light, too much light can made their leaves yellowish. Fertilizing excess can do the same.
Sorry Sarahb, why will you cut back stems? Asparagus doesn't make branches, sends very longs steems where leaves are supported. Every new shoot coming up from the soil brings more folliage to your plant. Perhaps you could check for pests keeping its natural development. BTW: they are considered fern but actually are on the asparagaceae family. Cheers
Were there any changes in the plant's environment shortly before the problem started? For example, your home's humidity levels might be decreased since turning on the heat. Asparagus ferns prefer high humidity. Several years ago I had one that became such a pain to clean up after every winter that it now has a new home. :) Misting doesn't do much for plants beyond the few minutes it takes for water to evaporate from leaves. Better to invest in a humidifier if you have plants with high humidity requirements. Other environmental changes to consider: change in location, light, watering routine, repotting....