Trouble with Flowering Crab Apple tree

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by MizKitty, Aug 17, 2007.

  1. MizKitty

    MizKitty Member

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    South Ontario Canada
    Good Morning I just joined last night
    We have a wonderful Crab Apple tree in the front yard it's has always givin us full cover of beautiful and scented blooms and los of crab apples..over the past couple of years we have noticed it losing it's leaves early, not flowering a much and leaves have nasty black spos on them before falling off and it also has some white foam stuff on some of the branches
    i do have some photos tho not very clear
    can some one tellus what may be causing this black spot and foam and is there a cure..hate the thoughts of losing this tree it's been with us for over 20 years

    Sorry seems I can't post a photo
  2. Luv2Grdn

    Luv2Grdn Active Member

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    MI, USA
    I have this problem come up almost every other year. Some years are not as bad as others and I think it is depending on the rain fall. I was told the black spots are cause by mildew in the lawns that when the dew is heavy leads up to the trees leaves and cause this black spot to develop. My father told me to spray the grass under the tree with a fungicide in early spring. It kills the fungus and fixes the problem. I have done this in the past and it does work. I just don't like to us chemicals all the time. So, when my trees start looking a little bad I spray the ground the next spring.
    Now the white foam stuff...I have no clue. Sounds like an insect.
    I would spray your tree asap to stop further damage. But it won't look good until next spring. I'm sure others will have more help.
    Here is a picture of my crabapple tree and good luck.

    Attached Files:

  3. MizKitty

    MizKitty Member

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    South Ontario Canada
    Luv2Grdn hello so nice meeting you
    Thank you so much for your help...I will be sure to spry the area under the tree come Spring. like you i am not into using chemicals all the time either..bu some times it's all that helps
    the foam stuff is not all over the tree just in some areas...We have been keeping a close eye on it seeing if we could see any insects come from it and either we keep missing it or nothing is there

    How do you post a photo it says in posting rules that my smileys and IMG code is off how do I get these working
    Again thank you so much
  4. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  5. MizKitty

    MizKitty Member

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    South Ontario Canada
    Daniel, Hello Thank you so much...
  6. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Probably apple scab, look that up and see if that fits - then use control measures recommended for that problem specifically.

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