My fiance bought me a beautiful tropical hibiscus last June for my birthday. I had never owned one but always wanted one. It did well all summer. When I brought it in I pruned it a little bit. I kept watering it, now I know I over watered the poor thing. The leaves yellowed and fell off. Now the trunk/stem is dead. I was told by a neighbor with one to cut the branches down to near the stem so I did. They're totally dead. As is the stem. A friend who has one suggested I repot it and in the process remove all soil, and to loosen the roots if they're tangled. They were in a ball. Yellow and some white roots, moist too. Is there any chance of It coming back if I do repot it? Or is it too late?
I would repot this plant and keep it on the slightly dry side. Wait for a few weeks to see if there are signs of me growth ( tiny green buds from the tips of branches ) This will be a good sign