I have a few Morning Glories growing in my flower bed and they keep sprouting more vines. I was wondering if I can snip off a few of the new ones that sprout. Some of them are growing towards my other flowers but are not yet long enough to reach the strings to climb on. This is my first time setting up this flower bed since we just bought the house. I will have a better set up next year but for now I just need to know if that will harm the rest of the plant or not. Thank you :)
These vines can take over if you let them, so yes, by all means, snip away. Pull them up by the roots even. You'll likely see tons more next Spring after they seed in the Fall! : O
I didn't think they come back every year. When I was a kid my dad always grew them from seed. Are there certain kinds that are Perennials? That would be great if that happened
I heard something about underground runners, as well as last year's Fall seeds will sprout in the Spring producing new plants. Type 'morning glory' in the search window above, and you'll see a thread that warns about it taking over as the years wear on and going into other people's yards! : O
the real morning glory would be an annual in locations like wisconsin and canada. can be kept in a pot and grown inside in the winter. the thing that is perennial and is 'called' morning glory is actually a different plant. common name is bindweed and it's very invasive - even in cold climates. also very difficult to get rid of once established...easily propogates from seeds (which the birds spread) and it also sends out sucker roots underground. to successfully eliminate it, you need to be diligent about uprooting it - and will need to do so repeatedly for a few years until you get all of it's roots up and/or have curtailed growth enough (by repeatedly pulling it up) so that it can't manage to survive.
Told ya, Kimberly! : O I'd pull the vine up by the roots each Fall, or in a couple of year's you could be over-run too, like so many others. You don't want your neighbor's getting mad at you for unleashing this nightmare on them do you? Your original question about can you snip the vine - hell yeah! It will only get bushier with all the more branches. You can train it and keep it in complete control via pruning. Even deadhead the blooms before they seed, if you're really dedicated. Please, do not let it take over...(from your neighbor's)!!! : )