Trimming Boston Ivy

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Debbie Cassels, Sep 19, 2004.

  1. Hi, I have started to take care of a huge bed of Boston ivy at my church. The ivy was growing out of its bed and covering much of the sidewalk, so I trimmed it using hand clippers. This was hard work! It took several hours to clear the ivy from over 150 feet of sidewalk. Is there a more efficient way to trim the ivy - some sort of electric edger, etc? I don't think a weed-eater will work, am trying to see if other options are available. Thanks!

  2. douglas

    douglas Active Member 10 Years

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    princegeorge b.c
    Hi Debbi

    I would not recomennd an electric or gas edger for the Ivy.
    Do not try to use a line trimmer IE(weedwhacker) as the weed will eat you. Try a hedger prefferabley Gas.

    If you want to keep the Ivy at the sidewalk line, plan on trimming it at least 1 time per week.

    Ivy is a very agresive grower do not think that you will be killing it by being mean ! It can grow 3 feet/month (min at every cut) At least in My area.

    When you get it back to where you want it (about 4 inches from the sidewalk) Try a 50/50 of vinager and boiling water pored along the edge of the sidewalk to keep it back.

    Also if the Ivy is growing on the side of the building

    AT LEAST HAVE a local Certified building Insection pro look at it

    Regards Doug

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