Transplanting Christmas Cactus

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by CKW, Apr 29, 2006.

  1. CKW

    CKW Member

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    Baroda, MI USA
    I have a HUGE Christmas cactus that is in desperate need of transplanting and/or separating into smaller plants. This plant belonged to my fiance's grandmother and from what he has told me, it has been in the same pot for YEARS. It does produce a couple of blooms in the winter. It is definately root bound and way too bring for the pot it's in. I have no idea how to transplant this or how to break it down into smaller plants without damaging it. Does it have a normal root system like other plants? What is the best time of year to do transplanting?
  2. globalist1789

    globalist1789 Active Member

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    I suggest that you repot it rather than divide it. The plant will look funny for many years if you cut it in half. Now would be a perfat time to repot it. Try a pot 2" wider. The roots are "normal" but very fuzzy and you wouldn't have much luck dividing them without major damage. As for more plants. I'm certain that when you try to repot it many pieces will fall off and those can be repotted easily and given away.

  3. Mikki

    Mikki Member

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    Cleveland, Ohio
    I have a Christmas cactus that was started from the leaves that had fallen off of my Mom's plant. Some of the "segments" on the cactus seem to grow roots in the air. I placed those directly in the soil. The ones that didn't seem to have any roots started at all I just placed on top of the soil and the eventually formed roots and found their way into the soil. Be careful not to over water.

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