About a year ago I planted a Pride of Madeira in a tiny little spot, somehow not realizing that these things get huge. I'd like to transplant it before it gets any bigger (about 4 feet in diameter now). Anything I should know about how not to kill it in the process? Many thanks.
Lisa--at that size it will be tough to transplant, IMO. If you have to do it, tho, the sooner the better. Try to take as much soil as possible, disturbing the root mass as little as possible, shading the plant for a while after replanting, watering in but not drowning it after that...usual common sense. On the other hand as you may know, this plant will die after flowering, and shouldn't get any wider than that this summer. It does grow up, and with a 4ft. diameter plant you should get a good 10footer or more height wise in flower. Then after flowering, the resulting mountain of seed will assure you of volunteer plants to dig up and place where they should go for many years (they don't all germinate the first year...you're set for a long time!). Those little guys will transplant sooo easily compared to your big plant. Good luck with it, in your area they should be easy and very impressive...I have to really fight to keep them overwinter up here!
Many thanks for your advice, growest. I will wait until after the bloom. Good excuse to procrastinate! Lisa