Does anybody have any trachys seeds? I tried growing some about a year ago and had no luck they all had some kind of worm inside of all of them. So I am going to try to attemp them again. Thank you in advance, Tom24
I can get buckets full ... can't send 'em over the border though. (without some red tape) Surely there must be someone with a mess of seeds for Tom24 ? Cheers, LPN.
"can't send 'em over the border though. (without some red tape) " LOL "Thank you LPN for the jester and the help. Hope someone has some for me, last time I got some they had some sort of worm in them. LPN how well would trachys do in Zone 7a? Where I am moving I seen some Palms growing in a persons yard and I am not sure if they were Trachys, but they had the charteristics of them. If they will do good I would like to plant a few when they are ready in my yard. Thank You in advance, Tom24
I did get some trachy seeds today from a place in Ohio, Herts Garden. I got 11 of them for about 3.99. Do you completely bury them or leave them half in half out? I am soaking the seeds right now and I am not to sure if I am suppose to, I usually soak all my Palms but last time I soak these I ran into worms in them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance, Tom24
11 seeds for $3.99 !!! Holy smokes man! They should be about 200 - 300 seeds for $10. Presoak for a day or two and put them in a sterile potting mix in a zip-lock bag at room temp. Hopefully they're fresh as older seeds lose viability. "worms" ... disgard immediately. Cheers, LPN.
I am trying my luck for the first time.I started my seeds on Sunday.Does anyone know how long it will take to germinate. Jim
Jim ... Your Trachycarpus seeds should begin geminating in as little as a month but most often in 2 or 3 months. The first growth will be the emerging root and of course is planted with that end down. Cheers, LPN.
I noticed that about two or three of the seeds started to bulge on the middle or so of the seed I am thinking that it is starting a root system, but I am not sure. They take a long time My king palms are starting their first fronds and I got the two types at the same time. Tom24