The following was received via email: last year, I had tomatoes with blossom end rot which ruined the romas in particular. I wonder if there is something I can do now to prevent this from occurring this year. Plants are in a plastic shelter in Bella Coola, and I feed them Miracle Gro for Toms. Any suggestions? Varieties not bothered are Tumbler and Gold Nugget, but I have Nicolaev pink, Black Russian plum, Kazahk and some others. Thank you for help.
I believe calcium is the major factor for blossom end rot, there used to be a product (may still be) that was called blossom end rot preventer, it was a calcium rich nutrient solution. You could try lime as a source of calcium, or bone meal, fish bone meal.... old wives tale I have heard is to plant a fih head below your tomoato when you plant out... smelly perhaps but it seems to have merit.