I grow tomatoes are small this year, I grow them in a hot house I built for several yr.'s now, they are in raised beds, I put wood ash and epsome salts on the bottom then top soil,then fertilizer,top soil, etc untill it has all new soil, while I have hundereds on, they seem to be very smal this yr. I have about 8 different types, early girl to sonic, only 1 type is coming on w/ larger tom. it was planted off to the side, some new type, jet someting. I had my first ripe tom. in the last part of June, but they are just now really coming on faster, I was wondering if I may be giving them too much water. tx Mary in oregon
Hey marymary, I don't have a definative answer for you, just comments. The first thing that struck me when reading your post was that I've heard the very same thing a lot this summer. I personally haven't experienced it, but many of my friends in Tennessee and Georgia have commented on their tomatoes being smaller than normal and not coming on real fast. I believe overwatering could be a factor, but I'd think there would be other problems associated with overwatering other than just smaller fruit. Could be a climate thing? But then again yours are in a green house are'nt they? Wish I had a good answer for you, I'm curious myself why so many people this year have mentioned this. Perhaps someone more knowledgable will give us some insight.
Tx, for the reply, I was wrong about the one that is being normal, it was the sonic, the one I have given the least amount of care to lol, our weather here is very strange , as is it almost everywhere, this year. am going to be 70 next year, so thinking about giving it all up and moving to Peru, can get a studio for myself for$350.00 a month and everything is dirt cheap. That is in the most plush part ,Mia Flores,suburb of Lima, I have a girl friend that lives there in the euro section, she showed me pic.'s very nice, overlooking the ocean. anyway, thanks again for your sharing w/ me. Mary Mary