Tomatillo harvest

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Sulev, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. Sulev

    Sulev Contributor

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    Harvested part of my tomatillos this week, as weather here is turning really chilly. This year I planted twice as much tomatillos as previous year, but this summer was not warm enough and was very windy, many tomatillos broke or got minor damages. So ripening delayed - I have picked only few fallen tomatillos until now. Last year I got first proper tomatillo harvest in the end of August and harvested only the very last bunch of berries on October 27th.

    Here is ca 4.5 kg of tomatillos, half dehusked, the other half with husks.
    Acerholic and Daniel Mosquin like this.

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