i bought this topiary last spring and my dog snapped it at the bottom when his leash got wrapped around it but i was happy to see an adjoining branch and trained it to grow back....problem is that i never got it too bloom again....can anyone help me identify this so i can research my plant?
Welcome to the forums Laylazon. Topiary is when a tree or shrub is pruned to form a compact tight shape. Usually they are evergreens. It can be made into a square, ball or any number of inventive shapes, sometimes they made to look like animals. Regular pruning is the only way to keep that neat shape. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=t...ooGAAw&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAA&biw=1920&bih=967 Your Duranta is a shrub. It can be made into hedges I prefer them left to grow as nature intended. If you were to keep pruning it you will be cutting out all the flower buds. http://mgonline.com/media/Images/D/Duranta_erecta_Gold_Mound01.jpg
Thank you so much, i have been trying to figure out what this plant is for about a year. Now on to my next question. Here is what the plant looks like now in my kitchen for the winter. How should i get it back in a pretty shape and blooming again?
It's a subtropical and can be damaged by cold weather. Or it may have gotten either too wet or too dry. It could also probably use more light than is available in a typical kitchen. A sunroom or grow-lamp may be nessesary to perk it up.