It just grew in my propagation coco peat pot. Leaves are only little more than an inch long. I replanted it and it has no tuber. What is this tiny plant? Thanks in advance.
It looks like Syngonium, or possibly Zantedeschia. Certainly an Aroid of some sort. At that size it wouldn't be a tuber - that develops later.
@lorax Thanks for the info about tuber and possible ids! It does look like Syngonium but it might be 'Zantedeschia' creates too much excitement. Know it is extremely difficult to correctly id at this stage. Only that if we know we would take care better.
Care for both genera is the same at this stage - make sure that the plant is in indirect light (sunlight through curtains is a good idea) and that it gets water when the soil is dry to the depth of your first knuckle.
Thanx lorax. I am going to take very good care of it. But I must say what survival spirit this little plant has shown! I put in direct sun (afternoons too) and over watered it & have lost about4/5 leaves. yellow and gone but now after re-potting it is showing the spirits again!
Most likely one of the weedy Typhonium spp. Tubers are like mouse droppings , and they produce heaps . T.blumei .. Here in Australia T.roxburghii is a similar weed with different foliage to yours .
One man's weed is another man's exotic!! :) If it turns out to be one of the Typhoniums even then I would be happy but this little plant is giving out new leaves and taking away older ones. So I never ever have more than 3/4 leaves. And I think I am doing everything right - indirect light & less water. If it blooms I will surely post.