This little pinkish brown 'stump' shaped fungi was along a creek bed on a very wet log.....we've had plenty of rains and floods around here lately so lots of new mushrooms and fungi. I've small hands and this little thing was smaller around then the tip of my middle finger. I went back a few days after taking these photos and touched it and it went up in a puff of spores. No others were around it...just this solitary one.
could it be a ramaria sp. ? it seems like it has still way long to develop, so it's not so easy to guess.
actually? the top view was right before i touched it? so think it was ready to 'spore'....not sure? but i went several times to view it and after it spored it just turned dark and slimey.
if it's already a grown specimen, then I'd guess that looking for stemonitis or lycogala would be a nice doing.
i've looked up both? and neither unfortunately look like it. i've several images i've taken myself of Stemonitis....and i saw several different varieties on the net...but none fit this little thing really. lycogala had the right COLOR? but that was it. lol........thanx though.