So I'm a dolt and transplanted this gorgeous plant while it was in full bloom. I'm not certain where my brains were that day but obviously it was someplace dark and dull!!'s two pics that I just took of it. I can get closer shots if anyone needs them. Please tell me that this is transplant shock. It's geting early morning sun and then more again in the's in an east facing window. Should I move it outside for the rest of the summer? It was outside at the nursery as well so could it just be tryng to adjust to being indoors? I also have not watered it since I transplanted it and today is my "watering" day. Should I water it??? Please help me save my plant!! :o( (duh...forgot to attach the pics!) here they are
Hi WendyI, your plant does not look too bad. I have not grown this one and can't find that much cultural info on the web. As to watering, they prefer well drained, but moist conditions (not dry not wet). Rich slightly acidic soil is best. It probably would like as much sun as you can give it for best blooms, it will bloom intermittently with the heaviest flushes in late summer/early fall. One website said that the leaves colour up yellow/orange before dropping off. I believe I have seen that on this plant. It looks like you have a bright spot for it. I would just water to keep it evenly moist and give it some time to adjust. If there are forum readers out there with experience growing the princess please chime in here.
ok...this is two days later and now I seem to have a fungus or something in the pot! Was a glass cylinder perhaps a bad idea? I also see a white "ring" in the pot about where the bottom of the rootball would be. Could this be that mushroom fungus multiplying?? Is there a home remedy for this fungus? Should I move it to another pot? I do have the receipt and am considering returning the plant since I've had it for less than two weeks! Oh dear....I just realized I forgot to resize the pictures...hope they're not too big. :-\
well i dont know anything about this plant .. but i do know that clear glass pot is not good for roots .. they need the darkness .. it is ok in a glass when u r rooting plants but usually not to long .. plus my rooting glasses are so green they r not see thru .. :) but the plants love em .. i would get it in a regular pot .. Marn
I'm also wondering if it's just not getting enough light. Now that I'm looking at it, all the leaves seem to really be reaching for the window. It's an east facing window...maybe I should move it to the front of my house which faces west? I think you are right about the glass cylinder although at the moment the roots are nowhere near the glass..could this still be to bright tho? I'm worried about transplanting it again tho! I mean if it's already on the verge of a nervous breakdown...won't that push it right over the edge!?
I think it should be moved to a pot that can drain. Water standing in the bottom of a pot will suffocate the roots.
Ok...I'm going to get a fungicide tomorrow and treat the roots and then put it into a terracotta pot! Hope it makes it or my husband's gonna kill me!! ;o)
Hi I noticed in the first photo the there is an air duct close to the plant. I would move the plant or close the duct (xpesially if you have ceneral air conditioning or dehumidifier in the house) Regards Doug