Ti Plant issues

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by macfreeman7, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. macfreeman7

    macfreeman7 Member

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    Washington DC, USA
    Hi there,

    I was wondering if someone could give me some help with my Ti plant. I have looked over another post having to do with this plant but I wanted to be a little more specific. I tried to find an email address for "Plant Explorer" - he was helping another person, but I figured I would ask it here.

    I purchased my Ti plant back in February at a nursery that I work for. I kept it indoors until it got warm enough outside. Through the late winter and early spring, I had it in a west window with a humidifier next to it. It began to get brown tips on the leaves. I eventually found out that you aren't supposed to water it from the tap, since it may have too much fluoride. I began using my aquarium water instead, and figured it would stop browning.

    I placed the plant outside maybe a month and a half ago, gradually letting it receive more sun. Now, it gets 4 or more hours of direct sun, but shade other times during the day. I'm still dealing with brown tips, and it seems to have gotten worse. Now there are brown spots on the leaves too, not just the tips. The spots are crispy and light tan, not dark. New leaves are also dealing with it too.

    What am I doing wrong? Too much light? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
  2. edleigh7

    edleigh7 Well-Known Member

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    Brisbane Queensland Australia
    If you could post a pic, that would help

  3. macfreeman7

    macfreeman7 Member

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    Washington DC, USA
  4. edleigh7

    edleigh7 Well-Known Member

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    Brisbane Queensland Australia
    Mac....all in all that plant looks pretty healthy to me. I wouldn't be too worried about the browning, mine are like that all the time. It could be from wind burn or sun burn or lack of humidity etc etc. If the whole leaf goes like that, and it is a new leaf, then I would start to worry.
    Its doing fine...


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