Three Ilex - no flower too small

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I learned some new hollies yesterday, and not a spiny or serrated leaf margin among them.

    Here is Ilex litseifolia, which at least did have clusters of tiny flowers. Wikipedia says Ilex flowers have 4 petals. The flowers in the first flower photo here have five petals, but the other photo shows four-petalled flowers.
    Accession: 032526-0607-1993
    20120717_UBCBG_IlexLitseifolia_Cutler_P1270257.jpg 20120717_UBCBG_IlexLitseifolia_Cutler_P1270262.jpg 20120717_UBCBG_IlexLitseifolia_Cutler_P1270259.jpg 20120717_UBCBG_IlexLitseifolia_Cutler_P1270256.jpg

    The flowers are not yet open on the Ilex elmerrilliana.
    Accession: 024481-0437-1984
    20120717_UBCBG_IlexElmerrilliana_Cutler_P1270302.jpg 20120717_UBCBG_IlexElmerrilliana_Cutler_P1270303.jpg 20120717_UBCBG_IlexElmerrilliana_Cutler_P1270304.jpg 20120717_UBCBG_IlexElmerrilliana_Cutler_P1270301.jpg

    Thanks to Andy Hill for the ID of this Ilex pedunculosa, (longstalk holly), wild collected in Japan by the staff at Kyoto Takeda Herbal Garden in 1984. Just single flowers, with four, five or six petals. This is next to the bridge at Decaisne and Forrest.
    20120717_UBCBG_IlexPedunculosa_Cutler_P1270458.jpg 20120717_UBCBG_IlexPedunculosa_Cutler_P1270462.jpg 20120717_UBCBG_IlexPedunculosa_Cutler_P1270474.jpg
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Notice the resemblance between the names Neolitsea and litseafolia.

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