Hello, and good day. TIA. Can anyone tell me what this is. I got is about six months ago as a gift, alive and strong. It was at least until I moved, and could not care for it for a month or so. Once I got to it, I gave it a heavy watering as the soil was dry all the way through. It seems not to have been the right thing to do, as it hasn't been the same ever since. It just bloomed a small orange fruit/flower the size of a quarter in the midst of all this, but the flower has dry pull away leaves surrounding it. Not sure what to do. More water? It has been drying for two weeks. Should I continue to let it dry, or begin back on weekly/bi-weekly waterings. I am in a very mild climate. It gets sun from an opaque skylight but the days this time of year are overcast and medium bright. Thanks, Ian
Aah yes. Thats the one. Thanks. I googled for some watering help, and it looks as though once a week is fine. Although I may have made the soil heavy with the watering. Any ideas again on watering? Thanks, Ian