Hello, I live in Dubai and growing a garden here is difficult but very possible. However, we are inundated with pests that are very difficult to control. Mealy bugs and leaf minors wreak havok on tomatoe, cucumber and other plants. Also caterpillars are highly destructive for various plant leaves. I have a lemon tree in a pot that I left outdoors for the winter and it had every single leaf infected by leaf minor and many leaves were half eaten ... forcing me to bring the plant back indoors and to remove every leaf. Does anyone know of any way to get rid of these pests? I have tried various insecticides from those that are absorbed in the roots to those that are sprayed on the leaves but nothing seems to work ...
Take a look at this page - http://www.usagardener.com/disease_pests_and_weeds/garden_pests_and_control.php there is a whole list of insects and solutions using predator insects on the bad ones. This page has pictures on it to help with ID, some plants will deter insects as well.
THanks for that information - I found info on the mealy bugs but nothing on leaf minors. I will keep searching!
I'll check into these insects and see what I can find out - I don't have them here where I live (never had a prob with them).
Environment Canada has this article on leaf miner control on birch but I would think it may apply to a variety of leaf miner. Parasitic wasps can be purchased for this purpose. http://www.ec.gc.ca/ecoaction/success_display_stories_e.cfm?story_ID=12030119