I don't know whether to cry or shout...but i do know that i cannot smile. Every year when summer comes, my sango-kaku leaves turn brown. My seiryu tree is starting to turn brown as well...is it normal for maples to turn to different color during summer ?
I am soooo EXCITED!! i just found a photo of a seiryu tree. Please tell me will my seiryu tree going to turn into this color???? I always long for a reddish maple tree but never quite get to see it because last time ants ruined it. how do i make sure that my maple will turn red? it's summer here now, and from what i see the top leaves is starting to turn bronze. Bronze??? in a middle of summer??? http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger2/4615/1183/1600/DSCN2062.jpg please reply...
Your picture is not available Jumbo (it must be a personal site requiring visitors to log in) This is my own Seiryu
Japan is mostly temperate rainforest . . . Australia is mostly desert . . . Japanese Maples don't like hot, dry conditions. About the only places I can see them being successful in Australia is the Gippsland coast and Tasmania, they're the only places cool and wet enough.
Heat is the most likely culprit! You can deal with the water issue. Site the tree in heavier shade on the coolest side of the house. This is about the best you can do.
It doesn't go red as such Jumbo Full sun in Ireland is something that doesn't exist LOL What I mean by that is that the expression 'full sun' has a totally different meaning depending on where you live. In Ireland we seldom get a very hot sun at any time of the year, though admittedly that seems to be changing this past couple of years
hi i have similar problem with acer shirasawanum Aureum ,the cause for me is dry conditions or IOIDIO
I am convinced that JM do not do too well in pots! I went to my sister's house today and WOW - her two japanese maples have matured and looked stunning growing in her backyard. I probably go there again and take photos of her stunning trees. It's amazing how those trees can take up the heat of summer where as mine's turn brown. I'm jealous of her neighbor's Sangokaku trees - they look stunning too. Last winter I gave one of my JM tree a polymorthus variety to my friend. It was small - smaller than my sango-kaku. And when I went there this year, that tree grew a lot taller and bushier than it was in a pot. Btw i tend to repot them every year. i don't think i will repot seiryu again when winter comes..because it's growing in this nice pot that i bought for $150 dollars AUD - i hope it will survive as long as it could in that pot.
The following are photos taken at my sister's house: Can anyone guess which type of japanese maples they are?
compare the leaves... 1st leaves - unknown. 2nd leaves - my own sangokaku. They looked similar - especially how my sister's one had reddish stem just like my own sangokaku. But in close-up view, the 1st photo shows the leaves seem a bit "twisted" like a shape of a butterfly.