Hello to everybody, I am new to this forum and I would have some questions regarding the hardiness of maples. I am about to get the following maples: Tsuma beni Aratama Higasa Yama Reticulatum Como The winter is approaching and I find my self a bit unprepared... Which of these cultivars is the most/less resistant to frost combined with the wind? Here the sub zero temperatures can reach -18 C plus that annoying wind. I will plant the maples near the house (to keep them warm) and I will make a wind barrior. I am confused where to plant them because I can only provide for them the following options: 1. Shade all the day.Can some of these cultivars be grown more or less all the day in the shade and still get beautiful colours? 2. Morning sun and afternoon shade (optimal) but a great exposure to wind and frost (north). 3.Few hours of morning shade and then only the full sun. (I already have there Shirasawanum Aureum and Orange Dream. The leaves are pretty much burnt, especially on the second cultivar. They will get another place very soon..) Are any from the above mentioned 4 cultivars appropriate to plant them there? So I ask you for your help... I do not have that maple bible from Mr. Vertrees, so you and some web sites are my only help. I appreciate any suggestion, David P.S. Sorry for bad english. I tried...
Hi David, If your plants are small you could try keeping them in pots and burying them. You can move them around until you learn where they will fare best. Of the plants you list I have experience with 'Aratama'. My tree has been close to -18C with no problem. Here it grows in 6-7 hours of sun and wind. It get crispy but puts out leaves all season and looks nice right now. Pics taken 10/2/08
: Higasa Yama and Reticulatum Como (also Shirasawanum Aureum and Orange Dream). These are grown prinncipally for the Spring display rather than the fall colors. Tsuma beni Aratama Gomero
Hi Tigran -- Your English is great! Here's another thread on the subject of cold hardiness: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/f...8725&highlight=cold+hardiness+japanese+maples Please keep us updated on how your maples are doing. Those of us who garden in cold climates need to share information, I think.
Tigran, Some maples I have in morning and afternoon sun. I see no burning on any of them. Aratama Butterfly Red Dragon Itami Nibluki Hupps Red Willow Mikawa Yatsubusa Lions Head Maple Yuri Hime A friend has a few in the same conditions on her porch Kamagata Burgundy Lace Atrolineare Mirasaki Kiyohime THe Atro and Burgundy Lace have a little tip burn, but they are in black pots. Mine are in pots in the ground. Sorry for any cultivar mispellings.