OK... He has a name and he is DYING! Keego is dropping... and I have let it happen for far too long. Now there is the 4 inch stem and NO branches! Last arm dropped last night while I was asleep. :( He is almost as old as I am. When my parents moved to altanta I decided to take him on as a ward. I am apparently a horrible MOM! The tree has lost both of the major arms. It's a fungus? overwatering? not enough light... it is losing limbs faster than I can replant?.... what do I do? I haven't watered the mother plant in a month ( until yesterday.... Looked THAT sad!) Even the droppings are getting the ROT?... I am using maleluca which I read was OK for plant fungus? what can I do? the main stem is cut at apx 14in.... in the same pot. I am about in tears. This plant has been in my life forever... can I save the stem or that one branch with the ROT? help me please! Gina
If this is a tropical house plant it sounds like it has gotten too cold and damp. If a warmer, brighter situation does not bring it back you may have to say goodbye.
what plant is it??? really can't send you in any direction without knowing what the species is. some more details, too. such as: when you got the plant, did you repot it, have you kept it in the same/similar light situation, how often are you watering, etc.also, a pic would be helpful.
Sounds like you're experiencing the quick demise of a Jade plant Crassula ovata. If so, too much water & not enough light is usually the culprit. I can't help you regarding pulling it back from the brink.....reacting to the early warning signs is the best way to go. By the time it gets to the point you're describing, I would have given up. Jade - wiki
We really need a photo to help, I've bought them back from the brink before, but not from overwatering. If we can see a pic we may be able to help... Ed
i was thinking it's a jade, as well. they can be brought back to health after overwatering. REALLY need a pic of it tho to be able to help.