Maybe a year or so ago, I made a trade with RayMikeMatt. He wanted Heliconias, I wanted some plants to try to streamscape my newly made greenhouse stream (20 feet, ends in a 35 gal still pool). We had a rather large trade...I received some Rhaphidophoras, Anubias, Cyrtospermia and Dieffenbachia. I'd like to turn you on to some of the aquatic aroids. Some are from RMM, some I had, this is just to show that aroids go so far beyond the anthuriums everyone seems to be focusing on here on this forum (for whatever reason...) This is a shot of the Anubias sp. I received from RMM. It was about 3 leaves when I got it, its now a hige plant that has sent out stolons, flowered, and started to produce plantlets along the stolons. This Anubias is together with a somewhat rare plant the he also gave to me, Cyrtospermia hamballii. The hamballii was a one leaf division..its now also a huge plant threatening to take over the stream!! All I can say is, RayMikeMatt, I hope the heliconia have done as well!
And this is anothe rphoto of another Anubias sp. I bought from...PETSMART! For $1.99! Of course, it wasn;t this nice when I got it. Its done a good job for me
Bihai...Beautiful. Thanks for the pics and the But the Heliconias, Gingers, etc. you sent are just as beautiful.
And this is a Rhaphidophora hongkongensis that RMM sent to me. It has done very well, but its very slow growing. I was trying to train it up this toten (living grapevine) but Ithink the variegated Vanilla orchid scared it off, it took its own path, LOL